Waffle's RPG Maker MV Plug Ins
A downloadable plugin
At the moment, just 3 plug ins...
TitleBypass.js and CrouchPlugin.js
Guess what TitleBypass does ..... yup, good guess.
Crouch does 2 things ...
1 - changed key bindings toWASD for UP,Laft,Down,Right
and remaps num keys for page up/page down
2 - adds a crouch toggle (sorta incomplete)
you need to do the extra work of deciding what happens.
This traps the C key and calls common_event 1 (by default)
can be set to anything in the plug-in settings ...
Other than calling the event, does nothing. What I did for my
games was to change the player image to a crouch image or back
to normal. But, that is your part ...
so in your common_event, you would do something like:
if [your crouch toggle var]=0
set var [your crouch var]=1
set actor image to crouching
set var{your crouch var]=0
set actor image to normal
3 - debugPlugin (Just Added)
has 3 parameters. set to 0 to turn off.
each parameter debugs a different kind of script:
Control Variables
When active, copies the script to the console for viewing.
In the event of an error where the game stops,
the last script displayed is the causing the error.
You may still need to find the actual call ...
I use Notepad++ to search all files for the
selected text.
Click download now to get access to the following files:
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